D 16

    Dalhuisen, Jan.
    Dalhuisen on international commercial, financial and trade law / J. Dalhuisen. - Oxford ; Portland : Hart, 2004. - lxxiv, 1150 с. - На англ. яз. - ISBN 1-84113-450-3 : 2250.00 р.
Примечания о происхождении:
Оксфордский Российский Фонд
Modern international commercial and financial law and its sources
National and trans-national or international commercial and financial law . - P .1
nature, status and function of private international law . - P .156
development of transnational or international commercial and financial law . - P .191
Domestic contract laws, uniform international contract law and international contract law principles: international sales and contractual agency
Domestic contract laws . - P .219
contract for the international sale of goods . - P .330
Agency . - P .391
International payments, payment systems and mistaken payments
notion and modalities of payment . - P .415
International payments . - P .456
Ownership, possession and limited, future, conditional or temporary legal or equitable proprietary rights in chattels and intangibles
Laws of movable property . - P .489
Negotiable documents of title and negotiable instruments . - P .667
Investment securities . - P .705
Security and ownership-based funding techniques
secured transactions and finance sales . - P .749
Major types of finance sales . - P .857
financial services, financial risk, and financial regulations. internationalisation, liberalisation, and re-regulation of cross-border financial services in the EU and WTO/GATS
Financial services activities, service providers and financial regulation . - P .907
International aspects of financial services regulation: developments in GATT, the EU and BIS/IOSCO IAIS . - P .1022
third generation of EU directives completing the internal market in financial services and the EU action plan for a single market in financial services . - P .1077
ББК Х911.221
Рубрики: Международное экономическое право
Кл.слова (ненормированные):

Экземпляры всего: 1
ОИЛ (1)
Свободны: ОИЛ (1)

   Т 66

    Трепицин, И. Н.
    Приобретение движимостей в собственность от лиц,не имеющих права на их отчуждение / И. Н. Трепицин. - Варшава : Тип. Варшавского Учебного Округа, 1907. - XXIIL,549 с. - 1.20 р.
Экслибрис: (Библиотека Молотовск. Госуд. Университета ; Библиотека Пермскаго Отделения Императорскаго Петроградскаго Университета)
Пометки автора: Верх. ч. тит. л. скоропись черн.:"Пермскому Университету отъ автора. 24 Янв. 1917 г.".
ББК Х2(2)5-623.1
Рубрики: Право собственности
Кл.слова (ненормированные):
Отчуждение имущества -- Движимое имущество -- Право собственности

Экземпляры всего: 1
Музей истории (1)
Свободны: Музей истории (1)