   C 17

    The Cambridge companion to Ockham / ed. : P. V. Spade. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2004. - 420 с. - ISBN 0-521-58790-5 : 1000 р.
Примечания о происхождении:
Оксфордский Российский Фонд
Courtenay, William. The academic and intellectual worlds of Ockham / W. J. Courtenay
Normore, C. G. Some aspects of Ockham's logic / C. G. Normore
Panaccio, Claude. Semantics and mental language / C. Panaccio
Chalmers, David. Is there synonymy in Ockham's mental language? / D. Chalmers
Spade, Paul Vincent. Ockham's nominalist metaphysics: some main themes / P. V. Spade
Klima, Gyula. Ockham's semantics and ontology of the categories / G. Klima
Goddu, Andre. Ockham's philosophy of nature / A. Goddu
Stump, Eleonore. The mechanisms of cognition: Ockham on mediating species / E. Stump
Karger, Elizabeth. Ockham's misunderstood theory of intuitive and abstractive cognition / E. Karger
King, Peter. Ockham's ethical theory / P. King
Adams, Marilyn McCord. Ockham on will, nature and morality / M. M. Adams
McGrade, A. S. Natural law and moral omnipotence / A. S. McGrade
Kilcullen, John. The political writings / J. Kilcullen
Freddoso, Alfred. Ockham on faith and reason / A. J. Freddoso
Wood, Rega. Ockham's repudiation of Pelagianism / R. Wood
ББК Ю3(0)414-341.4я2
Рубрики: Средневековая философия
Кл.слова (ненормированные):
Оккамисты -- Номинализм -- ФИЛОСОФЫ СРЕДНЕВЕКОВЬЯ

Доп.точки доступа:
Spade, Paul Vincent \ред., авт. предисл.\; Оккам, Уильям (ок. 1285-1349) \о нем\
Экземпляры всего: 1
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