D 68

    Dodman, Trevor.
    Shell shock, memory, and the novel in the wake of World War I / Trevor Dodman. - New York : Cambridge University Press, 2015. - ix, 244 с. : ил. - Библиогр.: с. 222-240. - Указ.: с. 241. - ISBN 9781107114203 : 3800 р.
Faces of battle in Mrs Humphry Ward's wartime writing
'Not yet diagnosed nervous': Ford Madox Ford's Parade's End tetralogy
No separate peace: A Farewell to Arms as trauma narrative
'Belated impress': River George and African American shell shock
Sepoy shell shock, Mulk Raj Anand, and the Indian World War I novel
Traumatic topographies in Tender is the Night
Coda. Queer World War I: Isherwood and shell shock sexualities
ББК Ш43(0)532
Рубрики: Первая мировая война--Литература и война, 20 в.
   Английское литературоведение--История литературы, 20 в.

   Американское литературоведение--История литературы, 20 в.

   Военные неврозы в литературе., 20 в.

   Психические травмы в литературе, 20 в.

   Коллективная память, 20 в.

   Психологические травмы

Кл.слова (ненормированные):
Аннотация: Shell Shock, Memory, and the Novel in the Wake of World War I explores the narrative traces, subaltern faces, and commemorative spaces of shell shock in wartime and postwar novels by Mulk Raj Anand, Ford Madox Ford, Mary A. Ward, George Washington Lee, Ernest Hemingway, F. Scott Fitzgerald, and Christopher Isherwood. This book argues that World War I novels serve as an untapped source of information about shell shock, and renews our present understanding of the condition by exploring the nexus of shell shock and practices of commemoration. Shell shock novelists testify to the tenaciousness and complexity of the disorder, write survivors into visibility, and articulate the immediacy of wounds that remain to be seen. This book helps readers understand more fully the extent to which shell shock continues to shape and trouble modern memories of the First World War

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