D 65

    Dixon, Robert M. W..
    Making new words : morphological derivation in English / R. M. W. Dixon. - 1-е изд. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2014. - xv, 448 с. : табл. - Библиогр.: с. 435-438. - Указ.: с. 440. - ISBN 9780198712367. - ISBN 9780198712374 : 2500.00 р.
How to make new words
Criteria - -affixes, semi-affixes, and compounds
What we describe
Un-expected, mis-judged, dis-organized counter-revolution : making negative words
Ultra-patriotic, extra-special, pre-election pseudo-promise : keeping the same word class
Be-feather, smart-en, em-power, beauti-fy, moral-ize : making new verbs
Moon-like, death-ly, angr-y, mysteri-ous, memor-able : making new adjectives
Eager-ness, bidd-ing, pay-ment, owner-ship, satisf-action : making new nouns
Care-ful-ly, side-ways, home-wards, crab-fashion : making new adverbs
Un-relent-less-ly de-west-ern-iz-ing non-mean-ing-ful infra-structures : combining affixes
Envoi : the way of words
Appendix 1 : list of adjective and verb semantic types, with sample members
Appendix 2 : alphabetical directory of adjectives and verbs in the list of semantic types
ББК Ш143.21-2
Рубрики: Английский язык--Суффиксы и префиксы
   Английский язык--Неологизмы

   Английский язык--Морфология

   Английский язык--грамматика


Кл.слова (ненормированные):
Аннотация: Создание новых слов: морфологическое происхождение в английском языке.

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