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    Schweikart, Larry.
    48 liberal lies about American history: (that you probably learned in school) / L. Schweikart. - New York : Sentinel, 2008. - xv, 300 с. - ISBN 978-1-59523-051-5. - ISBN 978-1-59523-058-4 : 830 р.
The first presidents intended for the United States to be iIsolationist . - P .13
The Mexican and Spanish-American wars were imperialist efforts drummed up by "corporate interests" . - P .19
FDR knew in advance about the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor . - P .23
Harry Truman ordered the atomic bombing of Japan to intimidate the Soviets with "Atomic diplomacy" . - P .29
John F. Kennedy was killed by LBJ and a secret team to prevent him from getting us out of Vietnam . - P .35
Richard Nixon expanded the Vietnam war . - P .40
The "peace movement" activists were not dupes of the KGB . - P .44
Ronal Reagan knew "star wars" wouldn't work, but wanted to provoke a war with the USSR . - P .48
Mikhail Gorbachev, not Ronal Reagan, was responsible for ending the Cold war . - P .53
September 11 was not the work of terrorists: it was a government conspiracy . - P .57
No terrorists, al-Qaeda leaders, or weapons of mass destruction were hiding in Iraq . - P .61
The founders envisioned a “Wall of Separation” between church and state, keeping religious influence out of government . - P .69
Thomas Jefferson favored "small government" and was a pacifist . - P .75
Women had no rights in early America . - P .78
Restrictions on the right to vote kept voter participation low . - P .83
Prohibition was unpopular from the beginning, and failed in all its objectives . - P .86
Sacco and Vanzetti were innocent and were wrongly executed . - P .90
Sen. Joseph McCarthy concocted the "Red Scare", and there was nothing to fear from communist subversives . - P .94
The Rosenbergs were not spies and were wrongfully executed . - P .99
Lee Harvey Oswald shot JFK because he was a deranged maniac, not because he was a communist . - P .103
Columbus was responsible for killing millions of Indians . - P .106
The early colonies were intolerant and racist . - P .109
Early America was home to few guns or gun owners . - P .113
Abraham Lincoln only freed the slaves to beef up his troop strength . - P .119
The scopes trial proved Darwin was correct and that Christians were backward . - P .125
The 1950s were dull and boring and created a generation of conformists in the workplace and home . - P .130
Richard Nixon sent burglars into the Watergate office complex . - P .134
Neither Ronald Reagan's election nor the "contract with America" proved the triumph of conservative ideas . - P .139
Bill Clinton was impeached over sex . - P .143
George W. Bush was selected, not elected, in 2000, and votes were stolen on his behalf . - P .149
Muslim terrorists are poor and uneducated and hate us because we support Israel . - P .156
The news media is objective, fair, and balanced ? and always has been . - P .160
Native Americans were great environmentalists, while white settlers destroyed the buffalo . - P .166
The first thanksgiving took place because the Indians saved the puritans from their own ineptitude . - P .173
The "robber barons" pillaged the land and destroyed the environment . - P .177
Federal regulators have protected the public's health by identifying harmful products . - P .180
Global warming is a fact, and it's a man-made, American-driven problem . - P .185
The Constitution was the creation of "elites" protecting their financial interests . - P .190
Northern capitalist greed - not slavery - drove the Civil war . - P .194
The Sherman Anti-Trust Act protected the "little guy" and reigned in "big business's" abuses . - P .197
The transcontinental railroads never would have been built without government . - P .202
The robber barons were only assuaging their guilt with their philanthropy . - P .207
The income tax was created to make the rich pay their fair share, and tax cuts only benefit upper income Americans . - P .211
Business failures and tax cuts combined to cause the Great depression . - P .215
LBJ's great society had a positive impact on the poor . - P .221
The decline of American autos and steel was caused by insufficient government support for the industries . - P .227
The Reagan tax cuts caused massive deficits and the national debt . - P .233
History textbooks used in schools are unbiased and not politically correct . - P .239
Рубрики: История--США
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